We designed this calculator for merchants and service providers to price their products in Bitcoin (ksats). Everything becomes easier when we price using a fixed conversion base. For this, we adopted the conversion rate of 1 BTC = 50000 USD.
The seller can price all their products and services based on this rate, ensure it corresponds to the desired fiat currency value, and even include these labels in their stores, menus, websites (API coming soon).
When charging in bitcoin, a discount or premium rate is applied according to the real-time bitcoin price. This concept is still being tested regarding usability and impact on hyperbitcoinization.
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By pricing in bitcoin with a fixed base rate, merchants can easily set all their prices in ksats, without worrying about current conversion rates. This simplifies bitcoin pricing and accelerates hyperbitcoinization by making it natural and intuitive for both merchants and customers.
When customers see stable and essentially fixed prices for products they regularly purchase, they can better assess their overall diversity of spending and make more informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, they can track the increasing purchasing power of their bitcoin through the growing discounts available, especially over the medium and long term.
This virtuous cycle encourages consumers to save more in bitcoin and use it for their purchases, as they directly experience the benefits of a sound money system through transparent pricing and increasing purchasing power over time.
Note: This is an experimental calculator. The calculations and exchange rates used are subject to errors. Use at your own risk.